3 Easy Steps: Everything You Need To Achieve Your Goals

I don’t know about you but it’s hard for me to believe that we’re in the month of September. It sure feels like just 2 months ago, I was celebrating Christmas with my family in a lockdown and getting ready to ring in 2021. But this just proves that time waits on no one and if you are to achieve your goals, you have to plan for and take advantage of every moment.

So I’ve decided to share with you 3 actions you can take to help you restart, reset and realign your goals in any month:

Get your process started: Step 1

Streamline your process: Step 2

This gets you results: Step 3

Achieve Your Goals

Step 1: Review

I know that’s not what you’re looking for. But, in order get to where you want to go, you need you to know where you are presently located. The truth is, we’re facing real realities: pandemic fatigue, general fatigue, overcoming setbacks, moving pass past successes. All of these elements can cause us to lose our bearings and all sense of direction. So, in order to achieve success this month, it’s important for you to find the GPS location of your life.

Determine if you are exactly where you intended to be based on your vision and your goals for this year. Or are you a little bit derailed? Evaluation is the process by which you find that GPS location. Then you take a hard look at how you got there. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Have I been consistently setting goals and targets for myself over the past 3 months?
  2. Have I been able to set my routine and schedule to support the achievement of my goals?
  3. Do I, in general, think that my present approach is working?

If your answer to any of these is “No”, you need a better productivity plan. A plan that helps you to be intentional about your goals. A plan that sets aside time to make goals happen, and to have the best opportunity for success.

Evaluate where you so you know where to go.

Dana Hayes-Burke, The Vision Builder

Step 2: Reset

This is the step where, having evaluated where you are, you are now going to set new goals for yourself. When you use the information from your review stage you can make better choices to achieve success. Perhaps you are going to have to adjust your targets. Or you may need to reduce the number of goals you set. Or focus on one thing at a time!

Reset your goals so that you have a greater opportunity to succeed!

Think about when you are using your computer. If it is operating really slowly, it could be that there are too many apps or windows opened. What do you do when that happens? First, you would go to your task manager and start closing all of the windows you don’t need. By doing this, you give your computer operating system an opportunity to reset and work at a more optimal level. Do the same with your goals monthly.

Open the task manager of your life- start closing the “apps” that take up alot of space and prevent you from focussing.

Leave the one or two apps open that gives you the best opportunity for success. This is the way to optimize what you currently have so that you can get the best outcomes and achieve the greatest results.

Step 3: Restart

This is the action of getting up, dusting yourself off, and applying yourself towards the new goals that you have just set. Going back to the computer analogy: sometimes the act of closing the app is not enough. Sometimes you need to reboot the system and start it so again. That way, you start afresh and open only what needs to be opened.

Whatever the action that you need to take, the purpose is to make an intentional choice. An intentional choice to start again. An intentional choice to put in a consistent and concerted action towards your goals. To focus on completing that goal this month that’s at the top of your priority list. To ensure that your daily lists of things include the things that you ought to do so that you can achieve your goals.

Now is the time to restart!

Final Words

As I close this blog post, let me share a thought with you, you can achieve the goals and deep-seated desires of your heart for your life and your business. But there is a process to success. Don’t try to skip the process – instead work the process. How we achieve goals in this month and for the rest of this year: REVIEW, RESET and RESTART.


The Vision Builder


Part of what I do as The Vision Builder is to help you to get clear on where you are going. Planning Table Sessions are the strategy sessions that I use to serve you in this area. So if you are that person who feels a bit lost and overwhelmed you have read this post but you still need further guidance, The Planning Table is the perfect choice for you.

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